
Principal's Message

We belong to an era reflecting rapidly changing fashions, trends and values, growing technology causing frequent moods of preferences and priorities. To meet the challenges of the cut throat competition – parents & institutions imparting education all busy in over loading the children from many sides expecting them to perform par excellence in academics every time. Out of the sheer force of circumstances, the very important aspect of ‘character building’ goes a big miss. How could we expect good citizens imbedded with the values, custom and traditions of our ancestral well cultured civilization for which we feel proud enough.

In Broadway Public School, we try to create an atmosphere where ‘quality education’ is provided but not at the cost of ‘value education’ giving an exposure which is conductive to train, motivate and facilitate body, mind and spirit of the little Broadwayians.

How do I wish that every Broadwayian comes out to the levels of their career excellence but champion of hearts too?

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